

Terms & Conditions


July 30, 2022


September 12, 2023

Cookie Policy

This cookie policy ("Policy") explains what cookies are and how they are used by the website ("Website" or "Service") and any of its related goods and services (collectively, "Services"). This Policy is a legally binding contract between you ("User", "you", or "your") and this Website's operator ("Operator", "we", "us", or "our"). You should read this Policy so you know what kinds of cookies we use, what information we get from them, and how we use that information. It also tells you what choices you have about cookies and whether or not you want to use them.

What are Cookies?

These are small bits of information that are saved in text files on the device you use to visit a website. Cookies are used to remember you and your preferences, either for a single visit (using a "session cookie") or for multiple visits (using a "persistent cookie").

  • Session Cookies, also known as temporary cookies, will expire immediately after you close the web browser. 
  • Persistent Cookies, these are cookies that help our website remember your choices. When you close your browser or restart your computer, persistent cookies will still be on your phone or computer. These cookies make sure that your time on the Website and with the Services is smooth and reliable.

    Cookies can be set by the website itself ("first-party cookies") or by third parties, like analytic services providers, advertising, and content servers on the website ("third-party cookies"). This kind of cookie will let us and other websites know that that you have been to our site.

What type of cookies do we use?
  • Necessary Cookies
    When you visit our website and use some of its services, we use the cookies we need to give you the best experience possible. Cookies, for example, let us know you have signed up for an account and will keep you logged in so you can easily view the content.
  • Functionality Cookies
    Functionality cookies keep track of the choices you make and let us make sure that the Website and Services work the way you want them to. For example, we will remember your username and how you changed the Website and Services the next time you come back.
  • Social Media Cookies
    These are cookies that come from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., and they let us track social network users when they view or use the Website and Services, or share content, by using any tagging mechanism that the social network offers.

    We only use these cookies for retargeting and to keep track of events. Any information we get from these tags will be used in line with our privacy rules and those of the social networks. We will not ask the user for or share any information that could be used to find out who they are.

What are your cookie options?

If you do not like cookies or certain kinds of cookies, you can change your browser's settings to delete cookies that have already been set and not accept new ones. Visit to find out how to do this or to learn more about cookies.

Please keep in mind, though, that you might not be able to use all of the Website and Services' features if you remove or do not accept cookies.

Changes and Amendments

We reserve the right to change the terms of this Policy or how it applies to the Website and Services at any time. Changes will take effect when a new version of this Policy is posted on the Website. When we do, we will update the date at the bottom of this page to show when it was last changed. If you keep using the Website and Services after any of these changes, you agree to the changes.

Acceptance of this Policy

You confirm that you have read this Policy and agree to all of its rules. You agree to be bound by this Policy when you use the Website and Services. If you decide not to follow the rules in this Policy, you are not allowed to use the Website or Services.

Contacting Us

If you want to find out more about this Policy or get in touch with us about how we use cookies, you can use the contact form or send an email to